Monday 18 October 2010

Films, films and more films

This blog is for Uni purposes and as such, I really should keep track of what I've been watching for Uni.
So far this month I have watched . . . (in no particular order!)

Sunset Boulevard - Billy Wilder 1950
F for Fake - Orsen Welles 1973
Daisies -Vera Chytilova 1966
Spartacus - Stanley Kubrick 1960
Lilya 4 Ever - Lukas Moodysson 2002
Singin' in the Rain - Stanley Donen & Gene Kelly 1952
The Bicycle Thief - Vittorio De Sica 1948
Invasion of the Body Snatchers - Don Siegel 1956
The Lives of Others - Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck 2006

We also watched a short film by director Alain Resnais called Night and Fog (1955)
"One of the most vivid depictions of the horrors of Nazi Concentration Camps. Filmed in 1955 at several concentration camps in Poland, the film combines new color and black and white footage with black and white newsreels, footage shot by the victorious allies, and stills, to tell the story not only of the camps, but to portray the horror of man's brutal inhumanity." IMDB website

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