Monday 18 October 2010

Over the weekend . . . .

Over the weekend I photographed baby Noah who was the baby in the tummy of B is for Baby!
Noah was a little grumpy and poo'd a lot but in between nappy changes and feeding, I managed to get some beautiful photos for Mum and Dad.

On Sunday afternoon, I went up to the field near Byfield with Tom as he wanted to go flying.  I thought it a good opportunity to get the camera out and get creative.  While there, I came across a derelict old barn that was just screaming to be used as a location so currently plowing the brain into over drive on how I can incorporate this into the new "Time & Memory" project that we are about to embark.
I have a lot of ideas for this so will update soon with some test shots :)

Below is one I did of a lonely tree while down at the barn!

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