Thursday 13 October 2011

Time & Memory update

So, the last posts I did a year ago I was just starting out on my Time & Memory project.
I didn't deviate to much from the original idea and in the end, used the stills and old family photo's.  I created the final images using a layering tool and rubbing out the top layer to reveal the bottom, thus making the leaves appear as though they have images printed on them.

This wasn't an idea I had originally thought I would use, I had thought I would somehow make the images leaf shape and then incorporate them into the final image, having no real need for much editing.
The final idea did work effectively and although I wasn't 100% happy with the four images I submitted, they did have the effect on them that I wanted

Learning Curve!

Learnt a HUGE lesson today, I need to blog my work!
We had to give a presentation today on our work so far, a "show and tell" and influences.
As I hadn't really done much in the show and tell stakes, well, nothing new that I hadn't already shown, I just decided I would talk about influences and brinbg a long some pictures on a memory card (not USB I add here)
Everyone else had done power point presentations and talked in depth about theirs, I felt rather stupid!

So, I have decided to make more of an effort and keep my yr3 work up to date (well, once a week!) so that if we have to do this kind of thing again, I can at least bring this up!!

I shall also add two widgets for films and influences so I can update these regularly!

Friday 7 October 2011

Almost a year!

Well, its been almost a year since I last posted!
Funny reading back about the start of last years work!

If and when I get a spare 17 hours, I'll update on how the time & memory project went and what I did after!

Maybe then I'll start discussing this years work!